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lunes, 27 de junio de 2016


Which Champions are Strongest When Mastered? - June 2016

Season 6 - Patch 6.12 Champion Gallery
"Strongest Champions When Mastered "

hello everybody and welcome again to the hotly requested Strongest Champions When Mastered record, which focuses in on champions that are strongest once you know the fine details of what they are able of.

This list elements large shifts in the prime lane thus of champion alterations, however fairly a few honorable mentions are shooting up in all of the roles consequently of FOTM results. Nonetheless, champions that make it to this record are quite often extra of a long-lasting type.

Verify out the whole list beneath, or if you're extra interested in the FOTM picks, verify out the FOTM Tier list too!

Mid Lane: Honorable mentions reworked, added a blurb on Viktor
prime Lane: Fiora, Ekko, Riven changed by using Irelia, Swain, Vladimir; remodeled honorable mentions
Jungle: Nidalee changed with the aid of Hecarim; reworked honorable mentions
help: Zyra delivered to honorable mentions
Marksmen: remodeled honorable mentions
winning in solo queue is a difficult affair. There are so many variables worried external of player manage reminiscent of lag, that consistency performs a colossal part in climbing the ranks. Some champions excel in outplaying different champions, even as others depend on brute force or distinct talents to win.

However, in an excellent trouble with teammates who choose champions that moderately synergize with you, which champions offer the most bang for his or her buck when mastered?

What Makes a Champion "powerful"?
Injury founded champions rely ordinarily on sheer harm, probably by way of talent pictures to overpower their enemies;

Utility headquartered champions do some thing detailed and recreation-altering, developing occasions which might be extremely worthy to their possess staff or create damaging effects for the enemy staff that they can not ignore.

Outplay centered champions make the enemy omit competencies that may otherwise definitely hit, mitigating large quantities of talents injury.

Even though some champions could overlap, the criterion laid out above is used and we can pass over the next criterion that we use for solo queue:

  1. Ease of play; 
  2. Synergy with popular champions; and
  3. Margin of error.

Strongest Mid Laners

New Honorable Mention

Viktor [Damage] - New Honorable Mention!Viktor is currently largely considered the second best mid laner (right behind Azir) on the professional circuit. His powerful burst and sustained damage allows him to greatly impact teamfights, and his short cooldown CC is extremely effective in arranged team play. However, I am currently leaving him off the list simply because his utility and outplay potential is much lower than the rest currently on the list. Nevertheless, there is no denying that he is very strong in this patch.


Returning Veterans

Azir [Damage/Utility]A good Azir is needless to say, one of the most influential champions on the rift. His early game is extremely powerful 1v1, and during mid to late game, his ability to 1v5 is long as the enemy team does not smash him down first. His powerful movement blocking ultimate can reposition an entire team while dealing massive damage along the way. The only thing holding him back in ladder play is the ability of players to follow up on good plays, and the skill requirement to execute a good play fast enough that the enemy cannot react.

Ahri [Damage/Utility/Outplay]: Ahri's power remains a staple in every mid laner's repertoire. Renowned for her ability to dodge and outplay with her ultimate, she combines those with her damage potential and CC from her kit to result in a flashy, yet effective burst mage. Late game, her cooldowns are also short enough to smoothly transition into a sustained damage dealer that can easily tango with late game marksmen.

Leblanc [Damage/Utility]: A champion that needs no introductions, Leblanc is still on top as a strong contender for mid lane dominance. Leblanc jumps in and out of battles seamlessly, allowing her to dodge many spells that might otherwise kill her. Meanwhile, the mind games that she can utilize are extremely varied, each with the potential to be game changing via distortion poke or passive clone micro.

Yasuo [Damage/Utility]: Yasuo's ability to outplay has always been extraordinarily high with his excellent mobility, passive, and of course, his famous windwall. Meanwhile, with the multitude of AOE knock-up champions on the rift like Alistar, Yasuo can easily chain his ultimate into devestating combos.

Zed [Damage/Outplay]A master of shadows, Zed's burst damage was greatly augmented by Duskblade of Draktharr, resulting in essentially a double Zed ult. Combined with Thunderlord's Decree, Zed dishes out some obnoxiously high burst damage. He's also able to quickly jump in and out of teamfights to take down targets, and good Zeds will also be able to deal excellent sustained damage at high speed via Youmuu's Ghostblade.

Honorable Mentions: Anivia, Brand, Ekko, Fizz, Katarina, Lux, Malzahar, Orianna, Twisted Fate, Veigar. Viktor

These champions often have the ability to dominate solo queue by themselves. However, their damage output is currently not quite as strong as others are in their pool in the current patch. I would keep them tight on the radar though, as they are strong contenders in their own right.

Strongest Top Laners

New Champions

Swain [Damage/Outplay] - New!Despite Swain's relatively innocent looking kit, he definitely deserves a place on the strongest list right now. His ability to outplay enemies may not be as technically advanced compared to other top laners, but strong game knowledge often draws the line between victory and defeat in any given duel. His damage output is deceptively high, and even seasoned players will have trouble dealing with a good Swain. Nevertheless, he may end up just being a FOTM pick, but time will tell

Vladimir [Damage/Outplay] - New!Vladimir is a champion that will garner much less in the way of critique on this list compared to Swain. A champion that was powerful even before his rework, his empowered abilities add a whole new dimension to his play. Protobelt also gives Vladimir more utility than ever before, and allows him excellent burst combined with a gap-closer. High level Vladimirs often use their pool to dodge an insane number of dangerous spells, which gives him dominance over both burst and sustained damage dealers top lane.

Irelia [Damage/Outplay] - New!It feels odd describing Irelia as new since she dominated this list so often in the past. After the Trinity Force changes, she definitely shot back up to a whole new level. There is not much to say besides the fact that her auto-attacks deal true damage and simultaneously heal her. Meanwhile, an Irelia that can successfully navigate creep waves is near impossible to gank, especially with her built-in tenacity. Better nerf Irelia.


Removed Champions

Ekko [Utility/Outplay]Ekko's tendency to turn around fights and one-shot enemies while sitting at a sliver is absurd, and anyone on the receiving end certainly wonders why they were not paying more attention to his movements. However, after his personal nerfs coupled with nerfs to tank items, he is not nearly as undefeatable as he used to be,

Fiora [Damage/Outplay]: Fiora has definitely held her own as one of the strongest champions top lane. She has a slew of abilities that give her strong outplay potential, especially her AOE riposte stun that can take down obnoxiously simple abilities like Malzahar's suppression and stuns for the same duration as a Sona ultimate. Nevertheless, her time at the top waned, and others are coming to claim her place. She is certainly more than deserving of an honorable mention, and I would not be surprised to see her reclaim her spot on this list in due time.

Riven [Damage/Utility]Riven has a TON of quirky mechanics that most players never discover, but a fully mastered Riven player can definitely dish out some ridiculous plays and obnoxiously high damage. However, even for some of the best Riven players her sick plays are often more luck than pure skill, and as a result she is moving back into the honorable mentions.

Returning Champions

Gangplank [Damage/Utility]Gangplank is one of those champions that keeps falling off the list and then coming back on. His barrel mini-game separates average Gangplanks from truly good Gangplanks. However, it is really his abilities to dominate a lane while simultaneously safely farming and impacting the map that put him head and shoulders above the rest. His ability to secure double kills bot lane without using his teleport really allows him to snowball games in ways that other top laners cannot.

Ryze [Damage/Utility]Ryze is one of those champions that appear simple to play, but as everyone knows by now, a solo queue Ryze is certainly not the same as a Faker-level Ryze. The potential for Ryze to dominate enemy champions is extremely high, but requires a bit of finesse and skillshot ability to get there. The new Rod of Ages allows him to be extremely tanky via the health recovery passive, and synergizes quite well with the massive number of spells he puts out during a fight. Even after his nerfs, I was hard-pressed not to take him off the list. Some people may argue that maybe Illaoi is currently in a better state, but good Ryze players are just impossible to deal with.


Honorable Mentions: Ekko, Fiora, Illaoi, Malzahar, Riven, Yasuo


New Champion

Hecarim [Damage/Utility] - New!Hecarim is a champion that comes and goes, but often stays for very long periods when he gets here. A jungler that can gank from warded areas successfully via his insane movement speed, Hecarim is near impossible to avoid. The latest Trinity Force changes were a massive boon to his overall damage, and allows him to build tank while dishing a boatload of pain to enemy champions. Lastly, a well-placed Hecarim ultimate can absolutely turn the tide of a battle, especially since he can quickly isolate a single champion while dealing AOE damage to the rest right after ulting.


Removed Champion

Nidalee [Damage/Outplay]: One of the most respected junglers on the rift, Nidalee appears to be in a relatively balanced state after her last round of nerfs except in the hands of a true master. Her counterjungling is extremely effective, and her pounce allows her an almost unfair amount of utility. That being said, the difference between a Nidalee that can hit spears and one that can't is almost as stark as a Lee Sin (see below). That being said, after the Runic Echoes nerf there are stronger junglers at the moment with higher utility.


Returning Champions

Gragas [Damage/Utility]: An extremely mobile pick, Gragas has evolved through several forms as a jungler. In his latest form, Gragas works  as a ganking jungler, and can dish out quite a bit of CC and damage. His burst isn't quite as high as it used to be, but his ultimate can still change a teamfight around just as quickly by repositioning entire teams.

Kindred [Damage/Utility]Kindred is a champion that can snowball extremely hard if they pick up a few early marks to the point where they can melt tanks with ease. This combines excellently with their ultimate, with evens the odds against champions with extremely high health pools. Against teams that do not have Azir, Janna, or Gragas, Kindred are insanely powerful and frustrating to play against. Meanwhile, if they have the same champions ON their team, the combination is greatly magnified - more on that in this article here.

Lee Sin [Damage/Utility]: A Lee Sin that cannot land his Q or perform smooth ward jumps is hardly a Lee Sin at all. There are hardly any Lee Sins at all. However, a well-executed 5-man knock-up via Lee Sin kicking their marksman through the entire team is 100% game changing. A good Lee Sin can snowball the game from start to finish. Games are lasting shorter than ever and tracker's knife providing free wards to jump to, making Lee very strong now.

Elise [Damage/Utility]: Elise remains a very strong pick in today's meta because of her strong early game and overall utility. She has the ability to snowball games very quickly via her powerful ganks, but is definitely reliant on hitting her stun to be successful.


Honorable Mentions: Kha'Zix, Nidalee, Rek'Sai, Rengar, Shaco, Udyr

Strongest Supports

New Honorable Mention

Zyra [Damage/Utility] - New!In her current state, Zyra deals an absurd amount of damage and can easily burst down enemies by herself. However, I do not think that she has lasting potential as one of the top supports as a result of lower utility, so did not replace any of the old favorites with plant girl.

Returning Veterans:

Alistar [Outplay]: Mess with this bull and you get the horns. Strong engagement and diving power are further enunciated by the fact that missing his headbutt pulverize combination is no longer a possibility for seasoned Alistar players. After the recent changes to Alistar's ability to queue up his pulverize mid headbutt, players can now focus more on play-making decisions rather than difficult mechanics that even professionals mess up from time to time.

Blitzcrank [Utility]: Where Janna and Thresh keep teams ahead of the game, Blitzcrank has the ability to take away leads from even careful enemy teams. With his hook, he has the ability to create advantageous team fights without needing to get close enough to the rest of the enemy team. This, combined with his speed boost makes it so that he can get the job done.

Braum [Damage/Utility]Riot is continuously changing spells from targetted spells to skillshots with animations instead. As a champion that can instantly redirect targetted spells from squishies into his powerful shield block, Braum's save potential is through the roof. When combined with his early game cheese via his passive, a good Braum can snowball a game from support with ease.

Janna [Utility]: Janna is close to being indisputably the best support in the game in terms of sheer utility that she provides by herself. Through both her tornado and her monsoon (ultimate), Janna has the ability to block a massive number of champion "jump" attacks mid-air, including but not limited to the following:

Lee Sin, Akali, Kha'zix, Tristana, Corki, Lucian, Jarvan, Ahri, Fizz, Pantheon, Shen, Wukong, Xin Zhao, Vi, Fiora, Amumu...the list goes on and on. Check out this link for a full list!

Not only that, but she provides nearby teammates the ability to simply be faster than enemy champions whether it is for running away or for chasing down. This combined with the ability for her shield to deny death and give an insanely strong damage buff cements her as a top tier support.

Thresh [Utility]: Where Janna is the queen of preventing plays from happening, Thresh is the offensive version and king of making plays happen. His lantern and hook make him essentially the best support initiation in the game, as he can bring a friend with him during his initiation as a free gap closer. Additionally, all the champions listed above that Janna can block Thresh can also block with his flay (although with a shorter range/window of opportunity).

Honorable Mentions: Bard, Lulu, Sona, Soraka, Tahm Kench, Taric, Zyra

Strongest Marksmen (AD Carries)

Returning Champions:

Caitlyn [Utility]: The premier lane bully, Caitlyn works very well in the hands of a good marksman. As a high ranged champion, Caitlyn is extremely safe to play, especially for players that understand spacing.

Meanwhile, her traps can be placed in quick succession, allowing for extremely effective one-man (girl) zoning potential for her entire team during sieges. Although her damage isn't anything terribly note-worthy, her abilities to kite and zone are what make her a top-notch marksman at the moment.

Ezreal [Damage/Utility]: Technically speaking, if you were to hit every one of his Qs on enemy champions every time it came off CD except when they flashed or otherwise dodged it on purpose, Ezreal would be the most broken AD carry in the game, bar none. Luckily, most people seem to hit around 20%, if that.

Jhin [Damage/Utility]: The newest marksman on the rift started off with mixed reviews, but soon became not only one of the most fun champions on the rift, but also one of the most respected as well. As a champion that relies on traps and massive skillshot reliance to crush his opponents, strong Jhin players can quickly overwhelm enemies, whereas poor Jhin players will need to rely on some luck.

Lucian [Damage/Outplay]Lucian's early game trades are insanely strong, especially since he synergizes well with the Fervor changes. As a mana hungry champion with a large number of spells required to maximize his damage, Essence Reaver allows him to snowball through the game, even when he's using tons of mana offensively. Good Lucian players will use their E both defensively and offensively at the same time, allowing him to outplay many skillshot based champions.

Vayne [Damage/Outplay]: In a world full of powerful tanks and skillshot-based champions, Vayne is the one soldier to take them all head-on. Although very difficult to master, her sheer potential is high enough to make her one of the strongest ADCs on the rift now. Better yet, she does not require as many crazy requirements as some other marksmen to reach her full potential (who can really hit every Ezreal Q anyway?

Honorable Mentions: Ashe, Draven, Jinx, Kalista, Sivir, Twitch
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North the united states Servers DDOSed - June 26, 2016

Actual Time Updates
6/27: NA Servers are back up!
12:13 AM EST - rise up up-to-date the consumer message, servers down for preservation

Eight:forty five PM EST - reviews are coming in that the OCE servers are now down as good

in the event you try to log onto the NA server proper now on League of Legends, you'll usually be greeted through the following error message below once you enter to your username and password. Sadly, this is not an quandary caused by a firewall setting, so attempting more than one times will just outcome in the same message.

In the event you click on on the repute hyperlink, you mostly saw that consistent with riot, nothing used to be out of the typical, and possibly tried to go browsing a number of more times to no avail like most of us did.

What's rather occurring?
It seems that, a bunch of hackers known as PoodleCorp took down the North American servers, who have also been concentrating on a number of YouTube and Twitch debts as good, including League players like Redmercy.

Their intentions usually are not clear, but seems to simply be general annoyance.

DDoS attack Definition
Some men and women have been asking what DDoS [Distributed Denial-of-Service] manner, so this is the quick Wikipedia explanation under:

Denial of service -  A denial-of-service (DoS) assault is an try to make a machine or community resource unavailable to its meant customers, reminiscent of to temporarily or indefinitely interrupt or droop offerings of a host linked to the internet

allotted Denial-of-provider - the place the attack supply is multiple, commonly 1000s of, unique IP addresses. It's analogous to a gaggle of humans crowding the entry door or gate to a store or business, and not letting reliable events enter into the retailer or business, disrupting natural operations.

What's every body as much as as they look ahead to the servers to return up? Has any one had Loss averted show up on their healthy history? Remark beneath!

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Dynamic Queue Fotm Tier list - July - Patch 6.12

SEASON 6 - July- PATCH 6.12 FOTM TIER list
"THE general children"
Preface Chatter
hello each person! Sorry for the slow submit roll this week, having a couple of disorders that have got to be taken care of. In the meantime, verify out the modern update on the FOTM Tier list! Highlights incorporate Viktor's surging status as well as the brand new king of reputable play, Vladimir!

Investigate out the entire list beneath!

Patch 6.12 Summary
Nerfs: Fizz
Buffs: Corki, Syndra, Xin Zhao

Item Buffs: Infinity Edge, Essence Reaver, Lord Dominik's Regards, Mortal Reminder, Bilgewater Cutlass
Item Nerfs: Youmuu's Ghostblade, Rod of Ages, Hextech GLP-800, Righteous Glory

Mastery Buffs: Double Edged Sword, Natural Talent, Veteran's Scars
Mastery Nerfs: Fervor of Battle, Grasp of the Undying

Toolkit and Options
 Click to toggle champion movement history
Search for a champion: 


The Tier List

God Tier [Pee Your Pants - BAN]:
Mid-Lane Gods: Zed, Viktor, Yasuo, Fizz, Leblanc
Jungle Gods: Kindred, Lee Sin, Kha'Zix
Marksman GodsLucian, Vayne, Ezreal
Top Lane Gods: Irelia, Swain, Vladimir, Yasuo
Support Gods: Alistar, Thresh, Blitzcrank

Tier 1 [Expected Powerhouses]:
Mid-Lane: Azir, Swain, Vladimir, Ahri, Twisted Fate, Ekko, Lux, Malzahar, Annie, Katarina, Anivia, Orianna, Brand, Veigar, Syndra, Ryze, Lissandra
Jungle: Hecarim, Graves, Rengar, Malzahar, Gragas, Nidalee, Elise, Volibear, Master Yi, Amumu, Fizz, Rek'Sai, Zac, Shaco, Vi
Marksman: Caitlyn, Jhin, Jinx, Ashe, Sivir, Miss Fortune, Twitch
Top Lane: Darius, Ekko, Fizz, Riven, Illaoi, Malphite, Trundle, Maokai, Jax, Ryze, Teemo, Renekton, Fiora, Garen, Nasus, Shen, Gangplank, Pantheon, Gnar, Hecarim
Support: Braum, Morgana, Soraka, Zyra, Brand, Janna, Bard, Nami, Annie

Tier 2 [Crowd Favorites]:
Mid-Lane: Morgana, Vel'Koz, Diana, Karma, Xerath, Talon, Kassadin, Varus, Cassiopeia, Taliyah, Ziggs, Zilean, Akali, Kayle, Karthus, Lulu
Jungle: Jax, Ekko, Evelynn, Fiddlesticks, Nocturne, Sejuani, Diana, Wukong, Udyr, Shyvana, Rammus, Xin Zhao, Warwick, Jarvan IV, Pantheon, Skarner
Marksman: Draven, Tristana, Corki, Kog'Maw, Kalista, Varus
Top Lane: Rengar, Olaf, Wukong, Volibear, Graves, Rumble, Tryndamere, Dr. Mundo, Kennen, Poppy, Kayle, Sion, Cho'gath, Nautilus, Malzahar, Lissandra, Singed, Akali, Zac, Quinn, Jayce, Jarvan IV, Tahm Kench,
SupportLeona, Trundle, Karma, Taric, Tahm Kench, Nautilus, Sona, Lulu

Tier 3 [Playable]:
Mid-Lane: GangplankZyra, Aurelion Sol, Jayce, Cho'Gath, Pantheon, Kennen, Corki, Jhin, Quinn, Heimerdinger, Galio, Ezreal, Kog'maw (AP), Nidalee (AP), Gragas, Mordekaiser, Urgot,
Jungle: Rumble, Olaf, Nunu, Quinn, Poppy, Kayle, Aurelion Sol, Dr. Mundo, Trundle, Maokai, Cho'Gath, Malphite, Taric, Tryndamere, Tahm Kench, Nautilus, Sion, Aatrox, Taliyah, Nasus, Shen, Darius
Marksman: Quinn, Graves, Urgot, Kindred, Kennen
Top Lane: Taliyah, Rammus, Gragas, Cassiopeia, Lulu, Xin Zhao, Heimerdinger, Aatrox, Aurelion Sol, Yorick, Diana, Nidalee, Lee Sin, Rek'Sai, Zed, Shyvana, Kassadin, Mordekaiser, Warwick, Udyr, Kha'Zix, Karma, Vi, Master Yi, Viktor, Talon, Azir, Urgot
Support: Vel'Koz, Poppy, Malphite, Veigar, Zilean, Shen, Lux, Sion, Taliyah, Kennen, Fiddlesticks, Nunu, Gragas

Tier 4 [Not Amused]:
Mid-Lane: Jarvan IV, Kha'Zix, Wukong, Malphite, Teemo, Riven, Tahm Kench, Tristana (AP), Elise, Fiddlesticks, Sona, EvelynnLeona, Soraka, Janna
Jungle: Leona, Zed, Fiora, Riven, Gangplank, Blitzcrank, Alistar
MarksmanTwisted Fate, Mordekaiser
Top Lane: Vayne, Elise, Galio, Braum, Alistar, Nunu, Soraka
Support: Galio, Xerath, Teemo, Volibear, Kayle, Maokai, Anivia, Gangplank, Nidalee, Orianna, Yorick, Elise, Lissandra, Ashe, Leblanc

Guidelines and Caveats:
This tier list important points which champions are most widespread in cutting-edge current metagame, for better or for worse. Picking a high reputation champion and doing mediocre is invariably favorable to choosing a low tier champion and doing mediocre for group morale.

Champion Explanations
Ashe [Tier 1 Marksman] - After nerfs to Lucian and different "elevate" situated marksmen, players are establishing to shift again in the direction of utility marksmen like Sivir and Ashe again. Thus of their abilities to self-provoke, dynamic queue avid gamers are much less reliant on their teammates for play-making, and consequently higher capable to snowball video games at opportune moments.
Fizz [Tier 1 Jungle] - Fizz is no longer as powerful within the jungle after they nerfed his W. This resulted in a decrease injury abilities for tank Fizz, which was the main build route for junglers. However, his full AP mid injury levels are still rather excessive, and most Fizz gamers are relocating back to the core stage.
Gangplank [Tier 3 Mid] - After the changes to Trinity force, Gangplank is now a less burst-oriented and more auto-attack oriented champion. Consequently, most avid gamers who used to take him mid are now opting to location him top instead. This results in additional possibility to get up shut and private with the enemy laner.
Hecarim [Tier 1 Jungle] - in the meantime, the Trinity force changes have been an absolute godsend for champions like Hecarim, who relied little on crit however closely on attack pace for clears and cooldown for elevated sustained injury. Consequently, Hecarim is again on high as a strong ganking jungler with great sustained damage.
Illaoi [Tier 1 Top] - shortly after the 6.11 buffs, Illaoi started to rise rapidly by way of the ranks as a formidable prime laner. With the aid of giving her decreased cooldowns on her capacity to proc her tentacles along with percent damage, Illaoi is much more suitable at all phases in the course of the game.
Sion [Tier 3 Support] - it seems that many Koreans are starting to choose up Sion help, which was beforehand highlighted as a bizarre pick a whilst again on this website. Extra information right here. 
Teemo [Tier 1 Top] - regardless of being renown as a champion that is now not workforce-oriented, Teemo continues to be a powerful lane bully and may also be incredibly impactful as good. Most avid gamers also end up building relatively tanky on him through his assault pace + Frozen Mallet build, which fits the meta.
Viktor [God Tier Mid] - latest legitimate mid lane selections have introduced Viktor again up to the highest. An all-time favourite with robust burst injury and great AOE talents, Viktor's simply walking round doing Viktor things.
Vladimir [God Tier Top] - Vladimir is the brand new have to-ban enormous rage inducer on the subject of "revolt nerfplz" requests. His capability as a hypercarry late sport is most often identified, however his new empowered Q mechanic signifies that he can comfortably zone out the enemy laner any time that it comes up. If the enemy laner does now not understand about the burst, they quickly in finding themselves in some very negative trades.
Zyra [Tier 3 Mid] - Zyra mid is presently at a "playable" repute, however shouldn't be a precedence opt for for most avid gamers. Even though her aid abilities could be very high, most players choose champions with excessive outplay advantage in the mid lane and as a result she mostly goes unselected. 
The reason of this record is for dialogue and to furnish a beginning point for hero resolution.
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lunes, 20 de junio de 2016


2016 Champion Tier List - Ranked Dynamic Queue - Patch 6.12 Update

"Division Climbers"
Preface Chatter
hello everybody! Welcome to the modern replace for Patch 6.12! As you'll find from the top of the display, we are additionally setting up some Overwatch content, however the fundamental focal point of this web page will nonetheless be on League. Meanwhile, Irelia continues to dominate this patch, and every other fashionable high laners are starting to be extra amazing for that reason of the marksmen meta transferring.

Hecarim additionally made a big surge to the highest this week, most likely as a result of the changes on Trinity drive, which improvement him all around. Examine out the entire list under!

Patch 6.12 Summary
Nerfs: Fizz
Buffs: Corki, Syndra, Xin Zhao

Item Buffs: Infinity Edge, Essence Reaver, Lord Dominik's Regards, Mortal Reminder, Bilgewater Cutlass
Item Nerfs: Youmuu's Ghostblade, Rod of Ages, Hextech GLP-800, Righteous Glory

Mastery Buffs: Double Edged Sword, Natural Talent, Veteran's Scars
Mastery Nerfs: Fervor of Battle, Grasp of the Undying

The Tier List

God Tier [Highest Influence]:

Mid-Lane Gods: Malzahar, Swain, Anivia, Ahri
Jungle Gods: Hecarim, Volibear, Kindred
Marksman GodsAsheMiss Fortune, Jinx, Twitch, Sivir
Top Lane Gods: Irelia, Swain, DariusGangplank
Support Gods: Zyra, Janna, Blitzcrank, Taric

Tier 1 [Strong/Preferred Choices]:

Mid-Lane: ViktorTaliyah, Twisted Fate, Annie, Fizz, Zyra, Brand, Morgana, Kayle, Aurelion Sol, Veigar, Talon, Zed, Zilean, Vladimir, Gangplank, Karthus, Vel'Koz
Jungle: Zac, Gragas, Amumu, Vi, Sejuani, Shaco, Fiddlesticks, Kha'Zix, Skarner, Rammus, Nocturne, Rumble
Marksman: Jhin, Caitlyn, Lucian, Ezreal, Kog'Maw, Quinn
Top LaneSion, Kayle, Wukong, Pantheon, Illaoi, Quinn, Rumble, Vladimir, Fizz, Yasuo, Jarvan IV, Singed, Malphite, Zac, Teemo, Shen, Tryndamere, Ekko
Support: Soraka, Braum, Sona, Nami, Zilean, Brand

Tier 2 [Viable/Balanced Choices]:

Mid-LaneYasuo, Katarina, Azir, Karma, Xerath, Orianna, Diana, Lux, Akali, Cho'Gath, Quinn, Lulu, Wukong, Galio, Jayce, Leblanc, Ryze, Pantheon, Ziggs, Cassiopeia, Heimerdinger, Lissandra, Kennen, Kassadin, Syndra, Ekko, Corki, Urgot
Jungle: Xin ZhaoWukong, Nidalee, Warwick, Shyvana, Jax, Rengar, Elise, Master Yi, Malzahar, Graves, Irelia, Udyr, Quinn, Rek'Sai, Trundle, Ekko, Diana, Poppy, Dr. Mundo, Nunu, Lee Sin, Maokai, Kayle, Malphite, Sion, Fizz, Aatrox, Nautilus, Aurelion Sol, Taric, Jarvan IV, Tahm Kench, Pantheon, Evelynn, Cho'Gath
Marksman: Vayne, Tristana, Graves, Kalista, Draven, Corki, Kindred, Varus, Urgot
Top Lane: Volibear, Maokai, Nautilus, Garen, Riven, Nasus, Trundle, Kassadin, Akali, Renekton, Cho'gath, Graves, Malzahar, Dr. Mundo, Fiora, Rammus, Ryze, Poppy, Kennen, Gnar, Lissandra, Jax, Mordekaiser, Gragas, Karthus, Tahm Kench, Diana, Galio, Hecarim, Aatrox, Urgot, Olaf, Lulu, Cassiopeia, Xin Zhao, Heimerdinger, Karma, Jayce, Rengar, Nidalee, Aurelion Sol, Warwick, Udyr
Support: Bard, Alistar, Leona, Morgana, NautilusTrundle, Thresh, Vel'Koz, Lulu, AnnieSion, Karma

Tier 3 [Needs Higher Skill/Knowledge Than Usual]:

Mid-Lane: Ezreal (AP), Nidalee, Kog'Maw (AP), Varus, Teemo, Master Yi, Gragas, Jarvan IV, Ezreal (AD), Sona, Jhin, Mordekaiser, Riven, Fiddlesticks, Kha'Zix, Malphite, Leona, Elise
Jungle: Tryndamere, Olaf, Nasus, Gangplank, Taliyah, Fiora, Zed, Karthus, Leona, Riven, Darius, Shen
Marksman: KennenTwisted Fate
Top Lane: Rek'Sai, Morgana, Zed, Blitzcrank, Viktor, Lee Sin, Yorick, Master Yi, Kha'Zix, Vi, Talon, Shyvana, Taliyah, Azir, Leblanc, Vayne, Nunu, Elise, Taric
Support: Tahm Kench, Shen, Poppy, Volibear, Malphite, Shaco, Veigar, Lux, Xerath, Gragas, Maokai, Kayle, Kennen, Taliyah, Fiddlesticks, Nunu, Pantheon, Elise, Teemo

Tier 4 [Low Benefits for Effort Used]:

Mid-Lane: Soraka, Tristana (AP), EvelynnTahm Kench, Janna
JungleGaren, Alistar, Yorick
MarksmanMordekaiser, Thresh
Top Lane: Alistar, Braum, Soraka
Support: Ashe, Anivia, Nidalee, Lee Sin, Gangplank, Orianna, Galio, Syndra, Yorick, Lissandra, Leblanc

Recommendations and Caveats:
Champions in daring i will speak about quickly
Champions UNDERLINED could also be over/undervalued, however don't seem to be/have not played adequate for me to make a greater judgement.
Within each and every tier the champions are strongest from left to right, however inside a tier each and every champion's force is rather shut. That is primarily genuine for Tiers 2 and 3 the place these champions are ALL highly playable and player stylish on how strong they are in-sport.
This tier record takes knowledge from ALL players; nonetheless, when you consider that nearly all of gamers fall within the first three tiers, the vast majority of information elements will come from there.
Win premiums are primary in analyzing every champion's force, however aren't the tip-all standards for any champion's position.
The creator of this list is diamond, so there is also some private bias in the direction of larger tier play on precise champions.

Champion Explanations
  • Anivia [God Tier Mid] - After a shaky begin within the mage rework patch, insurrection quickly buffed Anivia back up into an totally dominant burst mage. In her current rendition, her numbers are more than high enough to take out enemy contains with no trouble. Moreover, the meta is commencing to change carry back marksmen like with out blinks, which means her wall is incredibly potent against nearly all of teams.
  • Ashe [God Tier Marksman] - slightly of a gloomy horse, Ashe is without doubt surging in reputation now that Lucian has been nerfed and every body is looking for the following first-class factor. Her poke damage and trade abilities is top tier, and the truth that Wildturtle's been hyping her surely helps her standing. As some of the most effective self-initiating marksmen, Ashe works well in solo queue as long as the participant picks his pictures cautiously.
  • Darius [God Tier Top] - a few of you may be questioning why Darius is all of a sudden relocating up. He has continually been highly dominant in phrases of laning phase, however suffered when it got here time to pin down the Lucian/Ezreal domination in every sport. However, just like Anivia, now that immobile carries are coming back, Darius is rapidly rising in strength.
  • Ekko [Tier 1 Top] - After nerf after nerf after nerf, Ekko is now fairly balanced, despite having a package filled with outplay maneuvers.
  • Gangplank [God Tier Top] - As one of the crucial few champions left with a real "global" excellent, Gangplank's potential to have an impact on bot lane with out even teleporting is giant. Moreover, the brand new alterations to Trinity drive truly helped him out quite a little. Originally, we inspiration it will be an total nerf with the crit to attack speed move. Nonetheless, the alternate allows for him to be a far better split pusher and objective-controlling champion in comparison with earlier than. The extra cooldown can also be insanely important on Gangplank, and enables him to begin scaling tougher, turbo.
  • Hecarim [God Tier Jungle] - Hecarim is one of those champions that normally appears to cycle around. Similar to Rammus, he has the capacity to gank lanes from otherwise inconceivable locations, and straight by means of any wards you will have hooked up. The latest changes in Trinity force swapped out Crit for attack pace and twice as so much cooldown discount. With this plus Cinderhulk, Hecarim quickly snowballs into a high harm tank, resulting in a very strong horse.
  • Illaoi [Tier 1 Top] - Illaoi is in an satisfactory spot proper now. I do know many men and women are pronouncing she is God Tier repute now, but I consider she does nonetheless has her flaws. When you have anyone that avoids her E, then her damage output reduces tremendously, and she or he becomes prone to negative trades upon lacking, like Blitzcrank. That being stated, she absolutely dishes out some insane harm and is worth looking at.
  • Sion [Tier 1 Top] - Sion is shedding to Tier 1, but he's still very strong now. He does a ton of injury for a tank, however due to the fact that the nerfs on all tank gadgets, some other champions are higher picks. However, he virtually on no account gets banned, so he is also a excellent opt for to essential.
  • Taliyah [Tier 1 Mid] - Taliyah is performing quite well as a tanky spellcaster. Her chase and kiting skills is very high, and she or he is making a powerful displaying at most divisions now that she has been buffed a little bit. 
  • Xin Zhao [Tier 2 Jungle] - Xin Zhao received a minor buff this patch, but it was now not adequate to drag him into any type of overpowered repute. I say he's relatively balanced correct now. Revolt may begin hitting him with a number of extra buffs though, they seem to like him.
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Korean Jhin Build op,2016

The modern day in Korean marksmen tendencies right after Black Cleaver Lucian and Duskblade miss Fortune brings us a "new" construct aimed toward yet yet another marksman discovering excellent success on the rift overseas. After a up to date exposé via YouTuber Phylol, it is swiftly gaining a following on other servers as good.

A champion that positive aspects bonus injury based on his bonus assault velocity and crucial strike risk, Jhin finally ends up an totally strong burst champion with this construct, which is where he excels hardest. Thanks to Trevor for bringing it to my awareness!

How one can Play

How to Play
RunesAttack Speed QuintsAttack Damage RedsFlat Armor Yellows, Flat Magic Resist Blues
Masteries: 18-12-0, Deathfire AD Masteries
Abilities: Q, W, Q, E then prioritize R > Q > W > E
Core Items: Youmuu's Ghostblade, Duskblade of Drakthar, Boots of Swiftness, Maw of Malmortius, Bloodthirster, Last Whisper

Why it really works
extra benefits With Youmuu's energetic
rushing Youmuu's Ghostblade gives Jhin an excellent better knowledge than it gives omit Fortune and Lucian. Even though the object is already very gold effective, when placed in Jhin's arms, he good points 10% extra bonus injury with Youmuu's lively for that reason of his passive ASPD to ad conversion, anything other marksmen don't obtain.

Excellent advert Scaling skills
not like leave out Fortune and Lucian, ALL of Jhin's talents scale with advert, meaning that he positive factors extra per pound in comparison with different marksmen. Moreover, grabbing Deathfire touch allows him to scale even faster with advert because it also has a 60% ad ratio, and Jhin drops fairly a number of spells for a marksman.

Armor Penetration Stacking
Champions that rely on commonly spells to deal damage (Jhin) attain a ton from armor penetration, on the grounds that their spells don't scale multiplicatively with assault pace and primary damage. Jhin's somewhat one-of-a-kind because he does obtain bonuses through his passive, however as a peculiarly spellcasting marksman, the extra armor penetration early permits him to rather dominate his laning segment.

Knowledge Pitfalls
Weaker Kiting potential
This build offers Jhin more survivability than normal consequently of the Maw and Bloodthirster. However, with out fast Firecannon he does end up just a little weaker in increased fights for that reason of reduced auto range.

Minimize Late sport damage
by means of exchanging Infinity facet with Duskblade, Jhin trades off extended harm in return for better mid-game single goal burst injury.

All matters considered, this construct aspects the pleasant in Jhin and fairly plays to his strengths. I in my view suppose this build is incredibly powerful, and after play checking out it once or twice am impressed with the performance.
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Official Patch 6.12 Notes Released!


The official Patch 6.12 notes are now available! This one features a ton of changes to the ARAM map for balancing purposes, as well as a major buff to marksman items and nerfs to mage items. Check out this quick summary and full scope of changes below!


Nerfs: Fizz
Buffs: Corki, Syndra, Xin Zhao

Item Buffs: Infinity Edge, Essence Reaver, Lord Dominik's Regards, Mortal Reminder, Bilgewater Cutlass
Item Nerfs: Youmuu's Ghostblade, Rod of Ages, Hextech GLP-800, Righteous Glory

Mastery Buffs: Grasp of the Undying, Double Edged Sword, Natural Talent, Veteran's Scars
Mastery Nerfs: Fervor of Battle

Official Patch Notes

Patch 6.12 notes


 Greetings, Summoners.

Welcome the Patch 6.12, the ARAM patch. While there are a decent amount of non-Howling-Abyss changes here, we figured we'd take this opportunity to speak directly to the poro-lovers of Murder Bridge.

We don’t often make straight adjustments to ARAM as a mode, so let’s slap some context on that. While we don’t plan to ever fully balance a random mode given the obscure (and sometimes soul-crushing) compositions it can churn out, we’re confident we can make some pretty big wins by easing some of the more obvious outliers. That means addressing the dominance of healers and poke teams, as well as giving melee champions (and gold-starved classes of all shapes and sizes) a better shot at equal footing. You can read more on the changes below, but all-random players: Snowdown’s come early.

For those that prefer their maps a little less frozen, we’ve still got changes you can sink your teeth into. Much of this patch is focused on light tweaks (especially on the items and mastery side) to nudge certain classes and builds upwards or downwards in the hopes of letting those stuck in the middle shine through. Slap on some extra scalings here and there (and a whole 6 seconds off Corki’s rank 1 dash) and you’ll see that, ARAM or otherwise, this patch is all about the little guys.

And that’s all for us! Until next time - may all your Marks lead to Dashes, and your Dashes lead to sweet, sweet victory.

Good luck, have fun.
 Patrick "Scarizard" Scarborough



W cooldown adjusted. E deals more damage and stacks his shred faster.
 Continuing our work from last patch, we're giving Corki some love to help reclaim the mid-game power he once possessed. As we progress on the (flight) path of Corki buffs, we're taking care to emphasize his unique traits rather than give him generic strength. This time around, smoother Gatling Gun shreddage and more ROFLcoptering should play up Corki’s fantasy of ‘yordle fighter pilot’.

W - Valkyrie

COOLDOWN26/23/20/17/14 seconds  20/19/18/17/16 seconds

E - Gatling Gun

DAMAGE80/128/176/224/312  80/140/200/260/320
TICKS PER SECOND2  4 (now 16 ticks over 4 seconds)
MAXIMUM SHRED-4/8/12/16/20 armor and magic resistance after 8 ticks(unchanged). At max shred, further ticks against the same target refresh the shred duration.


Fizz’s hitbox is larger. W base damage down, E cooldown up.
 Stop us if you’ve heard this one before - a sticky assassin builds primarily defense and is hard to interact with. Snark aside, Fizz’s changes this patch are just another shade of Ekko’s from updates past - namely, cutting the amount of base damage he has access to and limiting his effectiveness with cooldown reduction. Expanding on that last point, cooldown reduction was previously a hard stat to come by - making things like ‘8 second cooldown on Playful/Trickster’ feel more acceptable, given the inherent sacrifices in Fizz’s build. Now that we’re embracing CDR heavy builds, limiting what Fizz (and other assassins like him) can do when capped is key to their long-term health. In the end, these changes should make Fizz less threatening when he’s not investing in the necessary offense.


HITBOX RADIUS30  55 (now matches Teemo)

W - Seastone Trident

DAMAGE OVER TIME4/5/6/7/8% target's missing health over 3 seconds 4/4.5/5/5.5/6% target's missing health over 3 seconds

E - Playful / Trickster

COOLDOWN16/14/12/10/8 seconds  18/16/14/12/10 seconds


Backstab displays a separate damage number.
 When champions can turn front or back on a dime, knowing when someone’s facing towards or away from you can be a bit of a challenge. Cassiopeia’s Petrifying Gaze gets around this by showing you some pretty clear feedback - ‘are they stunned? Guess they were facing me.’ For Shaco, this isn’t always so simple. Factor in all the different ways that Shaco can amplify his basic attacks (critical strike, Deceive’s bonus damage, sheen, etc) and you can lose track of whether or not you’reactually backstabbing pretty quickly. This is a very long context to say something pretty simple: if you see more sets of numbers, you’re doing it right.

Passive - Backstab

STAB CLARITYNow shows the bonus damage from Backstab separately when applied


W and E ratios up.
 Syndra’s fantasy as an all-powerful transcendent being has always been at odds with her power curve in-game. Traditionally, Syndra spikes hard mid-game, looking to ride a series of Scatter the Weak stuns to pick off stragglers, leading her team to a massive advantage. While that part of the bargain’s stayed constant post mid-season, Syndra’s now falling off harder than anticipated. Tossing power into Syndra’s scaling should give her a nice fall-back when struggling, as well as push her even further ahead when unleashing her power.

W - Force of Will

RATIO0.7 ability power  0.8 ability power

E - Scatter the Weak

RATIO0.4 ability power  0.5 ability power

Xin Zhao

Base health and health per level up.
 Xin’s taken a hit in a post-Devourer world, but for most of the game we’re actually pretty happy with the pace of his damage after diving in. Pre-6.9, Devourer + Rageblade allowed Xin to kill enemies too quickly - they’d rarely have time to react. Rather than tune his damage up (and shorten that reaction window again), we’re upping Xin’s durability to keep him feeling happy about ramming his face into the back lines, especially given his lack of an exit-strategy once committed.




W and R now have indicators.
 While our last round of changes to Zed in 6.11 have made him less powerful, fighting him can still be a daunting task. Even though some of Zed’s inherent frustration is intended (it’s his job to kill people and dying isn’t really fun), we’re always looking into addressing that frustration head-on without removing his ability to compete. To that end, we’ve added some shiny new indicators to Zed’s shadows to keep foes out of the dark when he starts his shifting-shenanigans. We like Zed’s skill-intensive plays, but getting the upper hand simply because your opponents can’t see what you’re doing isn’t fair.


THE SEEN BLADEShadows created by W - Living Shadow and R - Death Mark are now marked by a circular team indicator


Infinity Edge

+5 AD
 Standard marksman itemization is centered around combining a B.F. Sword upgrade and a Zeal upgrade. This pairing is an engine of efficiency for basic attack strength: attack damage adds raw power, while crit chance and attack speed multiply it. Stats from subsequent items further fuel this engine, which is why most marksmen excel as late-game damage threats.

At present, the two-item threshold is slightly less impactful than it should be for the 6k+ gold investment it demands. Marksmen shouldn’t transform into unstoppable killing machines with just two items, but they should at least feel like they can contribute to their teams. We're adding a bit more bang for the buck to ensure a marksman’s initial gold investment feels like progress toward late game power, not just a prerequisite for it.

Essence Reaver

+5 AD
 Essentially the same context as Infinity Edge above. Go read that.

Lord Dominik's Regards

+10 AD
 Last Whisper's upgrades give marksmen options to pierce through defense-stacking foes, sacrificing generic damage for effectiveness against tanks. In their current state, however, these 'options' are only viable when their effects can be applied to multiple enemies. At 40 AD, Lord Dominik's and Mortal Reminder force an excessively high damage tradeoff versus, say, The Bloodthirster or Mercurial Scimitar. In other words, investing in them hamstrings a marksman's ability to kill anything that's not a tank. We're giving Lord Dominik’s and Mortal Reminder a bump so itemizing against the enemy frontline doesn't forfeit your ability to fight their backline.

Mortal Reminder

+10 AD
 Reminder that we gave context for this change in the Lord Dominik’s section above!

Bilgewater Cutlass

Cost down.
 The combine cost of Bilgewater Cutlass pays exclusively for its active effect - you gain no stats by upgrading it. 400 gold is a steep price for a small slow and a bit of damage, so we're dropping the cost to more reasonable levels.
COMBINE COST400 gold  250 gold
TOTAL COST1650 gold  1500 gold
UPGRADESHextech Gunblade and Blade of the Ruined King combine costs have been increased by 150 gold. Total cost for both items is unchanged.

Youmuu's Ghostblade

-5 AD
 Just as marksmen scale with critical strike and attack speed, casters and assassins scale with cooldown reduction and flat armor penetration. Youmuu's Ghostblade fills this ‘core scaling item’ niche for casters and assassins, but also everyone who builds AD due to how much power it brings in raw stats. We want Ghostblade to stay useful for the classes it serves, so rather than reduce its secondary stats, we're shaving off a bit of attack damage. Combined with buffs to other AD items this patch, we're hoping the relative difference is sufficient to create a meaningful tradeoff for picking Youmuu's if CDR and flat pen aren’t your main stats.

Rod of Ages

Cost increased. Health restore on mana spend decreased.
 There are two issues here, so let’s tackle them separately. First off, Rod itself is a little too efficient. We want to preserve the item’s appeal to its core users (i.e. mages that need the health for close-quarters brawling with large mana-sinks), but Rod’s statline is such a strong incentive at present that even non-Rod users are making the switch - so we’re taking it down a peg.

As for the other changes, that’s more to do with Catalyst’s upgrades at large than Rod specifically. Simply put, the sustain that Catalyst’s mana to health conversion gives seems fair for the stage of the game in which you initially pick it up, but gets out of line as users amass even larger mana pools to bolster their health bars. Considering ‘amassing larger mana pools’ is what catalyst users actually want to do, we’re cutting the sustain instead.
COMBINE COST650 gold  750 gold
TOTAL COST2600 gold  2700 gold

Hextech GLP-800

Health restore on mana spend decreased.
 Like we said in the above section, Catalyst’s upgrades heal too much once you start getting a big mana pool. Context!

Righteous Glory

Health restore on mana spend decreased.
 We’re not going to repeat ourselves. Scroll up to the other sections!


Grasp of the Undying

More damage, less sustain.
 Despite our efforts earlier this season, Grasp of the Undying is still far too common in the top lane, crowding out other keystone masteries. Grasp is supposed to give tanks a little more oomph in combat, but its sustain is fairly excessive, cheapening the risk and reward of aggressive action. Grasp of the Undying should still be the go-to mastery for beefy solo lane champions, but combat from Grasp users will now mean something rather than immediately being sustained away.
DAMAGE ON-HIT2.5% of your maximum health  3% of your maximum health
HEALING ON-HIT2.5% of your maximum health  1.5% of your maximum health

Fervor of Battle

Abilities give fewer stacks.
 Fervor of Battle is simply too good at what it does. It works great as a basic attacker’s best friend, letting those with attack speed quickly gain stacks. Currently, single target abilities grant stacks of Fervor as well - twice as many as a basic attack, to be precise. While abilities should count toward building Fervor, champions who work spellcasts into their attack cycles are overperforming in the race to full stacks. We’re maintaining Fervor of Battle as a great choice for attack speed lovers while leveling the playing field in the marksman mastery space.

Double Edged Sword

Same benefits for all, regardless of range.
 For ranged champions, the risk/reward nature of Double Edged Sword doesn’t hold a candle to the power of Feast. The benefits Double Edged Sword offers to melee champions give them respectable value, so we’re bringing ranged champions up to speed.
REMOVEDA MASTERY DIVIDEDNo longer has split effectiveness for ranged or melee champions (now 3% damage increase / 1.5% increased damage taken for everyone)

Natural Talent

More ability power and attack damage early. Less ability power and attack damage per level.
 In an effort to make Natural Talent more competitive with the sustain of Vampirism, we decided to shift its power forward towards the early game. Natural Talent still grows with champions who have the potential to deal mixed damage, but now the effects are felt a little earlier.
NEWATTACK DAMAGE AT LEVEL 1.4 per rank (+2 at rank 5)
NEWABILITY POWER AT LEVEL 1.6 per rank (+3 at rank 5)
ATTACK DAMAGE PER LEVEL0.11 per rank  0.09 per rank (+.45 at rank 5)
ABILITY POWER PER LEVEL0.16 per rank  0.13 (+.65 at rank 5)
TOTAL AMOUNT AT LEVEL 18+10 AD and +15 AP (unchanged)

Veteran's Scars

More health.
 Veteran’s Scars is close to a good place but the wide range of situations in which Runic Armor can be helpful (healing, shields, etc.) means Veteran Scars needs a nudge if it wants to be a relevant alternative. Also, #cleannumbers are just better, it’s science.
TOTAL HEALTH9/18/27/36/45  10/20/30/40/50

Howling Abyss


Chimes now spawn faster on Howling Abyss.
 In a lot of ways, ARAM is a fun-sized League of Legends experience, compressing many of the core elements of Summoner’s Rift (laning, teamfighting, killing towers) into a shorter, streamlined experience. To account for the shorter game duration, ARAM dishes out accelerated gold and experience. This appropriately compensates most champions: put in gold/experience and they get stronger at a pretty consistent rate. A few champions break that convention, drawing their scaling from some secondary source that correlates loosely with time spent in game. Those champions are currently missing out on a good deal of their identity, so we’re cleaning up their experience on The Howling Abyss.

Bard’s secondary scaling comes from his chimes, which spawn at a fixed duration. We’re giving more chimes to grab so that he can still get his meep on.

Passive - Traveler's Call

CHIME SPAWN RATEEvery 50 seconds  40 seconds (initial spawn unchanged at 50 seconds)


Q stacks per kill doubled on Howling Abyss.
 With nine other people in his lane, Nasus doesn't have the luxury of waiting for the right minion to siphon, so we're giving him double value on all unit stacks, not just the cannon.

Q - Siphoning Strike



Souls count twice on Howling Abyss.
 Bard needs his chimes, Nasus needs his stacks and Thresh needs his souls. It’s a two-for-one soul sale on The Howling Abyss! And yes, that means Nunu is worth four souls.

Passive - Damnation

SOUL EATEREach soul captured counts as two souls instead

Summoner Spell Cooldowns

Most summoner spell cooldowns reduced by 40% on Howling Abyss.
 ARAM’s a fast-paced mode, so it stands to reason that the high-cooldown high-impact design of summoner spells don’t really mesh with the map’s identity. In the name of letting players use the spells they want instead of feeling locked into the ones they can use the most, we’re aggressively tuning their cadence to fit better with ARAM’s playstyle.

You’ll notice that Clarity and Mark / Dash are missing from the list. We’re taking the opportunity to tune their effects rather than just their cooldowns - more on that in a second.

Howling Abyss summoner spell cooldowns

FLASH300 seconds  180 seconds
HEAL240 seconds  144 seconds
CLEANSE210 seconds  126 seconds
EXHAUST210 seconds  126 seconds
IGNITE210 seconds  126 seconds
BARRIER180 seconds  108 seconds
GHOST180 seconds  108 seconds

Mark / Dash

Cooldown increased. Snowball width decreased.
 We’re happy with the effect Mark/Dash has had on ARAM since its addition (i.e. letting Olaf and Udyr actually play), but widespread adoption of the spell has shown that it’s a little too warping on the average game.
COOLDOWN40 seconds  48 seconds
SNOWBALL WIDTH100  80 (better matching its visuals)
NEWGLOWBALLAdded a glow effect to make snowballs more visible


Cooldown reduced. Restores more mana to the caster but less to nearby allies.
 With extra summoner spell cooldown coming to Howling Abyss, we’re looking to keep Clarity from going off the rails in terms of the mana that it provides to an entire team. These large infusions of mana disproportionately benefit already-powerful poke compositions, so we’re focusing Clarity on filling your own mana pool rather than your ally’s.
COOLDOWN180 seconds  144 seconds
SELF MANA RESTORE40% maximum mana  50% maximum mana
ALLY MANA RESTORE40% maximum mana  25% maximum mana


Like Homeguard, but at the beginning of Howling Abyss matches.
 One of the core problems with ARAM is how quickly matches snowball out of control given a few early deaths. While we’re tackling that issue on multiple fronts this patch, part of this is due to how much experience you miss during the long walk from fountain to frontline. We’re happy with the game’s pacing beyond these formative moments, so we’re specifically targeting the early-game. This should help the more “courageous” combatants make it back without missing too much (as well as limit the impact an early AFK can have on a match).
NEWHOMESTARTFor the first 5 minutes of the game, leaving the fountain grants a 50% movement speed buff for 10 seconds

Experience Pacing

Experience requirement per level decreased. Experience per kill decreased. Both now match Summoner's Rift values.
 Following our Homestart buff above, we’re tinkering with the overall flow of experience to further curb some of the early snowballing that tends to decide ARAM matches. Getting kills early on (or conversely, dying at the start) can create level discrepancies too wide for some teams to come back from. We’re not including numbers here (because experience tables are probably the most complicated and arcane systems in League), but the net result is that teams will see smoother level curves on their way to end-game, with kills making up less of that total. This means champions hit meaningful levels much closer to one another instead of ‘oh god they all hit 6 and we’re all level 4’.
EXPERIENCEDChampions now require less total experience to hit level 18
WHAT IS IT GOOD FORChampion kills grant less total experience

Gold Pacing

Ambient gold up. Base gold per kill increased. Minion gold no longer scales with time.
 Rounding out our anti-snowballing changes, we’re cleaning up gold distribution between team members. Big purchases are coming along a little more slowly than we’d like, especially for champions who find it difficult to fight for their share of minion kills. The takeaway here is that you can totally still snipe your teammates’ last hits (it builds character), but everyone should get to their items a little sooner.
AMBIENT GOLD22 gold per 5 seconds  25 gold per 5 seconds
REMOVEDMINION GOLD SCALINGMinion gold rewards no longer increase over time

Health Packs

Mana restore down. Respawn time increased.
 Health packs were designed as a fallback for getting poked out on a map that has only one lane. However, the amount of raw mana each pack gives usually worksagainst that goal, giving more ammunition to the artillery champions it was meant to defend against. Given the dominance of poke champions on ARAM, we’re limiting the mana sustain and raw uptime of Health Packs to give non-poke teams a chance to fight back.
MANA RESTORE120-315 (at levels 3-18)  60-158 (at levels 3-18)
RESPAWN TIME40 seconds  60 seconds

Terrain Changes

Space between center brushes increased. Bases are slightly larger.
 Wrapping up our larger systemic changes to Howling Abyss is just some housekeeping (bridge-keeping?) to the map’s layout. Unlike some of our changes to Summoner’s Rift in the past (like removing some brush), these are actually incredibly minor nudges to give a little more space in places you’d expect to be able to path. It’s entirely possible that you may never perceive these changes directly, but we figured we’d let you know we made them anyways.
BRUSHING UPThe space between center brushes now extends further
BREATHING ROOMThe side areas of both Outer Turrets are now slightly larger
BASE JAMSlightly increased the size of both bases' side areas

Removed Items

Removed various starting, vision, and alternate-map-specific items.
 This section's a bit of a grab bag, so we'll rapidfire a few explanations. First: we like the safe efficiency of Doran’s items, but not the inventory bloat of stacking them. We're replacing the Doran's series with the Guardian's items - see below. Next: Arcane Sweeper and Lightbringer were meant to balance out Howling Abyss's lack of wards, but ended up as permanent, mandatory counters to certain champs (even if their stats weren't desirable). We're retiring them and beefing up Oracle's Extract instead. Finally: Entropy and Wicked Hatchet were what we call 'trap' choices: theycould be cool, but never lived up to their potential and were usually just wastes of gold. Sometimes a 'trap' item’s niche is interesting enough to go back and fill properly, but that's not the case here.

Now, say one final farewell to our departing friends!
FROZEN AND ALONEThe following items have been removed from Howling Abyss:

Doran's Blade

Doran's Ring

Doran's Shield

Arcane Sweeper

The Lightbringer

Orb of Winter


Wicked Hatchet

Oracle's Extract

Persists through death. Now detects nearby hidden units, similar to Sweeping Lens.
 On Summoner’s Rift, where you have trinkets, detecting hidden units is as easy as buying a Sweeping Lens. But ARAM doesn’t play by your rules, Summoner’s Rift! Right now, the two detection items - The Lightbringer and Arcane Sweeper - are pretty niche purchases that only some champions want. Rather than bloat the game with stealth items for everybody, we’re removing those two and giving Oracle’s Extract some much needed love. The duration prevents Oracle’s Extract from spelling disaster for stealth champions. But replenishing your Extracts every time you die is pretty harsh for a map where you can’t heal up.
COST250 gold  300 gold
NEWSOULBOUNDNow persists through death
NEWRADARNearby hidden units are indicated as untargetable red silhouettes, similar to Sweeping Lens

Guardian's Horn

Howling Abyss replacement for Doran's Shield.
 The Doran’s line of items offers something very specific in Summoner’s Rift: cheap, efficient laning power. Given that ARAM often resembles an eternal 10-man laning phase, Doran’s items seem like a natural fit. However, with much higher starting gold, it’s often much more efficient to dive straight into mid-tier items and hasten your power spike. We’re replacing the Doran’s items with souped up and cost-appropriate versions that won't hog all of your inventory slots.

Doran’s Shield already feels made for ARAM, with damage reduction to weather the trade-heavy ARAM life, and health regeneration to sustain through it. While the new Guardian’s Horn is stronger in both aspects, we chose to lean harder into the sustain to make melee champions feel like they aren’t doomed once they take a little poke without in turn making them too tanky to burst down.

Reducing incoming damage
FLAT HEALTH REGEN20 health per 5 seconds
FLAT DAMAGE REDUCTIONDamage taken from champion basic attacks and spells reduced by 12

Guardian's Hammer

Howling Abyss replacement for Doran's Blade.
 Much like Doran’s Shield, Doran’s Blade doesn’t require much tweaking to fit ARAM. While we are enhancing the the raw combat stats, the bulk of the gold value increase is coming from a good deal more lifesteal, so users have the sustain they need.
COST950 gold

Guardian's Orb

Howling Abyss replacement for Doran's Ring.
 Doran’s Ring requires slightly more substantial tweaks than the other two Doran’s items, thanks to its passive. Without a lane of minions all to themselves, Doran’s Ring users feel a bit underwhelmed by the mana-on-kill. Instead, we’re replacing that power with flat mana regen, so you don’t have to steal every minion from your teammates just to have mana.
COST950 gold
MANA REGEN10 mana per 5 seconds

Refillable Potion

Now on Howling Abyss.
 Holding on to our ARAM-as-extended-10-man-laning-phase metaphor, ARAM exacerbates the gold drain of potions. Having access to repeatable potions should make players feel better about their ability to withstand heavy poke.
REFILLABLE ABYSSRefillable Potion has been added to Howling Abyss

Corrupting Potion

CORRUPTING ABYSSCorrupting Potion has also been added to Howling Abyss


All proceeds will be donated toward fighting Noxian animal cruelty.
 Right now, fattening up a Poro until it explodes takes a good deal of coordination, not just from your own team, but the opposing team as well. While we do want to see more glorious Poro explosions, we don’t want to just hand out free power. Instead, we hope to ensure that the team that is better able to control objectives will be rewarded with a faster Snaxplosion. We’ll check back in future patches to make sure this isn’t snowballing games too hard out of control.
NEWBACK FOR SECONDSOn first turret kill, all team members receive an additional Poro-Snax


/Remake launches this patch, testing in NA for around a week before revolving around the world.
 If you don’t remember, /remake lets you immediately resolve a 4v5 game at the three-minute mark without taking a loss. The missing player tanks responsibility through Leaver Buster for making everyone else requeue.

Rules refresh:

MIAIf any player dc’s or is flagged afk for at least 90 seconds at the three minute mark, a /remake is available. Except in cases of the...
TILT EXCEPTIONA first blood against a player’s team before they leave/dc will prevent a remake vote
THAT’S WHY IT’S /REMAKEAt the three minute mark, all players on the shorthanded team receive a message to prompt the vote by typing /remake in chat
TIMEWINDERIf the vote passes all players in the game basically pretend the game never happened and experience no change in LP/IP/CM/XP, or W/L records
BOPPEDThe dc’d player takes the full LP loss (or drops a promo game), and is flagged by Leaver Buster
FOR DIAMOND ONLYTo prevent abuse of /Remake, Diamond V and above players will take a loss when the dc’d player is in their premade

Champion Mastery

Champ Mastery’s making its way to Howling Abyss and Twisted Treeline over the course of 6.12!
 Champ Mastery’s now on all maps. Finally.
FRELJORD’S FINESTChamp Mastery points can be earned in matchmade Howling Abyss games
SPOOKYChamp Mastery points can be earned in matchmade Twisted Treeline games
NO 6 GODSMatchmade games on Howling Abyss, Twisted Treeline or any rotating game mode will not award Champ Mastery level 6 or 7 tokens


  • Fixed a bug where turrets on Howling Abyss and Twisted Treeline were dealing slightly more damage to champions than intended
  • Fixed a few interactions between Hextech Protobelt-01’s active and empowered attacks (ex. Ekko’s E - Phase Dive)
  • Fixed a bug where Elise’s E - Cocoon stun was cut short if, after casting Cocoon, Elise instantly switched to R - Spider Form and cast E - Rappel on the Cocoon’d target
  • When Xin Zhao attacks Jax during E - Counterstrike, the attacks Jax dodges no longer count as hits for Xin’s W - Battle Cry’s healing passive
  • Sion can no longer restart his Q - Decimating Smash in a different direction by pressing R+Q during Decimating Smash’s channel
  • Fixed a visual bug where Lux could sometimes appear to cast multiple R - Final Sparks in rapid succession. Only the final Final Spark was real! Ghost lasers should no longer appear.
  • The spectral riders of Headless Hecarim’s R - Onslaught of Shadows are once again visible. Still spooky, though.
  • Restored warning particles when Snow Day Gnar and Gentleman Gnar are about to transform
  • Snow Day Gnar’s E - Hop attack speed buff particles no longer cut off at certain angles
  • Shadowfire Kindred’s basic attack particles are now easier to see
  • Fixed a bug where Shadowfire Kindred’s Wolf would appear as two Wolves stacked on top of each other to everyone except Kindred
  • Omega Squad Teemo no longer copies Classic Teemo’s movement voiceover lines when both are in the same game
  • Pool Party Mundo’s busted ukelele no longer jitters on the ground at the end of his recall animation

Upcoming Skins

The following skins will be released during patch 6.12:
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